viernes, 11 de junio de 2021

Rose Jam / Mermelada de Rosas

 We bought our house 2 years ago, and when we were moving in, we joked about how we would have to take out the rose bushes asap, because neother Marcelo or I really love them--but, as things go, we didn't get around to getting them dug out before that year ended, and well, they are still there.  The other evening Marcelo was out getting rid of some of the dead branches, and started in on the roses as well- and as he was chopping them back, he asked if there is ANYTHING cool you can do with roses-  and i remembered something that i had seen on pinterest a gazillion years ago-- Rose Jam! 

So, we made some.  And it was AMAZING.  So we made some more.  And it is STILL amazing! Ingredients: 

2 cups of rose petals (NO PESTICIDES!!!  Make SURE they have not been sprayed or treated, or you will get sick!) And the amount is definitely not a set amount- can definitely use more. 

3 Tbsp of pectin- I used Ball low/no sugar pectin, as my all-time favorite, MrsWages, isn't being sold at Winco anymore

1/3 cup lemon juice

2 cups of sugar

3 cups of water.  

-  So, we washed the rose petals to get rid of all of the creepy crawlies, and then added half of the sugar and just mixed it all together- kind of bruising the petals so that they would release more of their oils, and then let it sit for a half an hour or so. 

-Add to the water in a pot with the pectin, and then mix that so it doesn't have any lumps then add lemon juice. 

- Heat it up until it reaches a rolling boil, add the rest of the sugar and then when it gets back to a rolling boil,  time for one minute. 

-Take off of the heat and put into jars as normal. 

Note: We are going to go for a drive and see if we can find some wild roses, I'll let you know how those taste! We have a mixture of the tea roses, that have small petals, and the larger roses that are used for cut flowers and arrangements, and they both taste just fine- I prefer the smaller petals, because they are a bit softer, but my kids love the larger ones because they are just a tad chewier...  

Nosotros compramos nuestra casa dos veranos atras, y cuando estabamos cambiandonos, nos reimos acerca de como tendriamos que sacar los rosales lo antes posible, porque ni a Marcelo ni a mi nos encantan- pero como son la scosas, no los sacamos ese verano, y bueno, siguen alli. El otro dia Marcelo estaba atras cortando algunas de las ramas viejas y comenzo a podar los rosales tambien- y mientras lo hacia me pregunto si hay ALGO bueno que se puede hacer con rosas- y me acorde de algo que vi en pinterest hace  un millon de anos- Mermelada de Rosas! 

Asi que lo hicimos. Y era INCREIBLE.  Asi que hicimos mas.  Y SIGUE siendo increible. 

Ingredientes: 2 tasas de petalos de rosas (SIN PESTICIDAS!  Hay que asegurarse que no se les hayan hechado insecticidas o se puede enfermar!) La cantidad definitivamente es una sigugerencea- se puede usar mas.  -3 Cucharadas de pectina.  Yo use de marca Ball para poco o no azucar- porque ya no encuentro mi marcca preferida.  2 tasas de azucar.  3 tasas de agua. 1/3 tasa de jugo de limon 

Asi que lavamos los petalos para quitar todos los bichitos, y agregamos la mitad del azucar y lo mezclamos- pegandolo un poco para que los ptalos de liberaran sis aceietes, y se dejo reposar media hora. 

Agregamos el agua con los petalos y la pectina, y se mezclo hasta que no quedara grumos.  Se agrega el jugo de limon

Se calienta hasta que suelta un buen hervor, se agrega el resto del azucar, y cuando vuelve a un hervor se deja hervir un minuto (revolviendo siempre)

Se saca del fuego y se coloca en los frascos como normal

martes, 8 de junio de 2021


 That last post that I just published was written on 3/19/2019....  That's how bad I am at posting- I write things and never get around to posting them!  

Ok, here is the deal- I think that this is going to be mostly for me- but I give anyone else permission to read it...  Some will be emergency preparedness tips, which is kind of what i started with- another part will be recipes, because, let's be honest-- I love eating!  And i LOVE cooking- and baking, and everything else in the kitchen, besides cleaning up...  Some may be random ramblings, some bragging about my family, and another little bit will be about my cancer journey. 

I always feel like there is nothing that i do amazingly well- I have all sorts of grandiose ideas about things that I would do if i had more time, or more money, or more je ne sais pas - but honestly, it mostly breaks down to a couple of issues: 

1. I'm lazy.  

2. I don't know what i LOVE besides my family 

3. I am afraid of failure

4. I am amazing at starting things and never finishing them.  

But i am going to start working on those.  I know that i can control some of them, actually ALL of them, so I am going to start.  TOMORROW.

Bueno- asi es la cosa- creo que este blog va a ser mas para mi que todo, pero les doy permiso a los demas a leerlo.  Partes seran los ideas para preparacion para emergencias, que comence con eso, otra parte sera recetas, porque, para ser honesta, me encanta comer!  Y AMO cocinar- y hornear cosas, y todo lo demas de la cocina, menos limpiar despues...  Parte podria ser pensamientos que se me ocurren en el momento, otro para presumirme de mi familia, y otro poquito acerca de mi experiencia con cancer.  

Siempre siento que no hay nada que hago excepcionalmente bien- tengo montones de ideas grandiosas acerca de lo que haria si tuviera mas tiempo, o dinero, o mas no-se-que, pero honestamente, todo se resume en un par de problemas: 

1. Soy floja. 

2. No se que me encanta aparte de mi familia

3. Me da miedo el fracaseeo

4. Soy increible para comenzar cosas y no terminarlas. 

Pero voy a empezar a trabajar en ellos.  Se que puedo controlar algunos- de hecho, puedo controlar todos, asi que comenzare...  MANANA. 

(y como estoy en el computador de mi esposo ahora, no tengo para hacer acentos o tildes, asi que asi no mas, a lo bestia hoy!)  


So, I honestly don't know where to start, or what to say....  My dear husband has been telling me for a while that i need to start working on a blog, apparently he believes that there is something that  I can say which may be good for others to read...   I think that he might just be in  love with me and think that I am cool- which I am obvously grateful for!  At least I have him convinced.

Today I was at the doctor's office for a routine check-up and had the blessing of having my honey there with me. While I was waiting for my Herceptin to get mixed up by the super busy pharmacist, I started to look around the room I was in. MSTI here in Nampa has 10 chairs, and today they were all full- some familiar faces, some new ones. The older lady sitting on my left was looking a little peakish, and started to cry when the sweet nurse stopped by to ler her know that her infusion was almost ready. She was feeling like she couldn't do it, the nausea was to much for her today.  The A/C infusions really are nasty beasts, and I can remember when I got to go through that series- it was one of the most miserable moments of my life!  I hate feeling like i am going to throw up, it is one of the hardest things for me- roller coasters are out, pregnancy was not super exciting, and I get a bit grumpy when my husband rocks the car back and forth when he is bored waiting for the gas pump to turn off while filling the seemingly endless cavern that is the gas tank in our car. 
I reached over to the sweet lady, she was probably in her late 50's, early 60's. What can you say to someone who is hurting? Even if you DO understand, because you have felt the exhaustion of being always nauseas, knowing that someone else has felt it really doesn't alleviate any symptoms!  All I could do was reach over and squeeze her arm, letting her know that I was there- hoping that giving her that reassurance that it is possible to live through the constant desire to heave up your guts, and that it DOES get better.
And I think this is the reason that I am going to write- maybe I will tell my story, to help myself and possibly others realize how blessed we are to have these opportunities- and it DOES get better, even if it is after it feels like we have thrown up everything we have eaten in months.

I don't promise to be eloquent, but I will be me!